Attendance » Attendance


To excuse an absence email: [email protected]
Include the following information in the email: 
- Students: First and Last 
- Dates:
- Reason (ie: Medical, Circumstances: Non-medical reason for absence (limited to 10 per school year))
- Attach documentation if possible (i: Medical excuse note)
Note: Only emails sent from parent emails listed on Infinite Campus will be accepted 




Phone: 702-799-3500 ext. 4035

Location: Attendance Office

Hours: 6:30 am - 3:00 pm



*Notes must be received within 3 days of the last absence. 


*Any note received after that will NOT be excused.


*Unverified absences (those without excuse) may result in denial of credit or a citation.


*An excused absence still counts as an absence.


*We will not accept absence notes for students who leave during the day (students must be checked out by a parent/guardian when leaving campus early to have an excused absence).


*According to CCSD policy only 10 absences per semester are permitted.






Beginning January 1, 2015, anyone under the age of 18 who applies for an instruction permit, driver’s license, or driver authorization card must provide DMV with proof that he or she meets the minimum Nevada school attendance requirements.  Individual student absences should be limited to a maximum of ten (10) per semester. Students must be present 90% of the time).  If a student only missed one period that is still considered absence.


To obtain a DMV Certificate of Attendance during the school year, please email the Attendance Office at [email protected]. If the student qualifies, the completed DMV Certificate of Attendance Form may be picked up from the Attendance Office. Please allow 2 business days to process during the school year. During the summer break, students and/or parents need to come in person to Foothill between 7:00 - 12:00 PM to have the form completed.


***Please note, that if the student does not maintain the minimum attendance requirements, their instruction permit or driver’s license may be revoked.




Attendance Enforcement for Secondary School Students Grade 9-12



The Nevada Statutes provide corrective steps and/or sanctions to be taken or applied when a student does not attend school. Excessive Absenteeism; Issuance of Failing Grades; Retention (secondary students).

  1. Secondary students who exceed ten (10) unapproved absences in any course during the semester shall receive a failing semester grade for that course.
  2. For the purposes of this subsection, all prearranged absences in excess of ten (10) during a school year shall be considered unapproved.
  3. Students who lose credits in three (3) or more classes may be referred to an alternative education program. 



Attendance is vital to your child’s academic success in school. In 1999, the law about school truancy was changed to reduce the high rate of habitual truants in schools. The following are major changes to the law:

  • The principal of the school is required to report the pupils who are habitually truant to law enforcement.
  • A habitual truant is defined as “a student who has three unapproved or unexcused absences within one school year.”
  • A truant is a pupil who is absent from school without the written approval of the teacher or principal of the school unless the pupil is physically or mentally unable to attend school.
  • If a pupil is absent due to physical or mental reasons the parent must notify the school in writing within three (3) days of the absence pursuant to CCSD regulation 5113; Section C, Subsection IV.



Timely attendance at school is a necessity if students are to achieve their fullest potential.  We want to ensure that teachers and students are able to sustain an orderly learning environment. Students are expected to be in class and ready to learn when the class tardy bell sounds each and every period. 


Students who are tardy to 1st period will need a parent to sign them in at the front of the school. Students will then sign in and be provided with an excused tardy pass to class.


There will be a tardy lockout every period every day where doors are closed when the bell rings and students are sent to a designated area. The closed-door policy is designed to accomplish the following:

  • Establish and enforce clear, consistent expectations for students.
  • Minimize classroom interruptions for students who have shown up on time and prepared for class ready to learn.


  1. Once the final tardy bell has sounded, teachers are instructed to close and lock their classroom doors and begin teaching.
  2. If a student is tardy and the door is locked then they must report to the designated location and sign in. Students will be marked accordingly in IC and be expected to complete the work online for the period.  Students will be dismissed at the end of each period to report to their next class. 
  3. The attendance office will check for excessive tardies and absences and handle accordingly including after-school tardy detention, RPC, suspension, or distance learning. 
  4. Progressive discipline will be used when students continue to disregard school rules.