Register My Athlete
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open. All student-athletes must register online prior to trying out for a sport. Parents will do the majority of the registration process, but students will need to read and e-sign documents. It is helpful to have the student available during this process.
1: Go to and create an account (or log into your existing account), be sure to keep your login information, you will use it each year you have an athlete playing sports in Nevada. If you have lost your password, please follow the prompts to change change your password on
2: Click on START/COMPLETE REGISTRATIONS then NEW REGISTRATION. Click on SELECT SCHOOL, then Nevada, and type Foothill to select our school. Click SELECT ATHLETE and then enter the information for your student-athlete or select your returning athlete’s name. Please use the same full legal name the student is registered with at school; do not use nicknames, shortened names or a different last name. Make sure the athlete’s address matches the address of their primary guardian in Infinite Campus.
3: SELECT YEAR/ SPORT. Make sure you are registering in the correct school year (2024-2025). NOTE: It is best to register for all sports the athlete is interested in at this time. You can add sports later into the school year, but you must complete the majority of this process again. If the student-athlete thinks they may be interested in a sport, check that box now.
4: Fill out the GUARDIAN INFO, whoever is listed as Guardian 1 must also be the primary guardian listed in Infinite Campus and must reside at the same address as the athlete.
5: Fill out the student’s HEALTH INSURANCE INFO and a brief MEDICAL INFO questionnaire. If the student does not have health insurance, contact 1(800)827-4695 to purchase one.
6: NEVADA QUESTIONNAIRE: Click on the NIAA TRYOUT CHECKLIST and answer the questions by checking the boxes, typing your name and clicking E-SIGN that you have read each of the statements. Both the parent and athlete must e-sign. Next is the HIGH SCHOOL CHECK, answer the questions based on your situation. There are many different questions to help make the process as efficient as possible. Check YES or NO to each question asked and follow the prompts. Read the questions carefully and answer honestly. Answers to these questions may have you complete a transfer application. The transfer process will tell you the student is ineligible until proof of eligibility is provided, this is normal, and documentation can be submitted later in the process. If your situation is not listed, please contact the FHS Athletic Office for guidance. Residential Affidavits: There is a question about students living in the attendance zone on a residential affidavit (defined in Register My Athlete). This is a unique situation and does not apply to most students. If you are unsure, please contact the Registrar’s Office for clarification.
2 current major utility bills are required. ONLY power, water, gas, and/or mortgage statements will be accepted as proofs of address. We must be able to verify the entire document. Pictures of unopened envelopes or student ID's will not be accepted as proof.
7: If your athlete is new to Foothill HS, you must do a GUARDIANSHIP AND RESIDENCY VERIFICATION, please answer the questions based on your situation. You will need to upload 2 current proofs of address. Any student from a divorced or separated household is also required to provide a copy of the complete divorce decree/custody agreement to prove that the parent living in the Foothill HS zone has custody of the child. They will also require two current proofs of address for this parent. If the parents have equal custody, the student will establish their athletic eligibility at FHS upon completion of this verification. Once eligibility is established at FHS, the student may not transfer to the zone school of the other parent without being subject to the NIAA transfer rules. The NIAA requires the full divorce decree/custody order that has been signed by the judge for this verification, families may redact information unrelated to custody if desired.
7: If your athlete is new to Foothill HS, you must do a GUARDIANSHIP AND RESIDENCY VERIFICATION, please answer the questions based on your situation. You will need to upload 2 current proofs of address. Any student from a divorced or separated household is also required to provide a copy of the complete divorce decree/custody agreement to prove that the parent living in the Foothill HS zone has custody of the child. They will also require two current proofs of address for this parent. If the parents have equal custody, the student will establish their athletic eligibility at FHS upon completion of this verification. Once eligibility is established at FHS, the student may not transfer to the zone school of the other parent without being subject to the NIAA transfer rules. The NIAA requires the full divorce decree/custody order that has been signed by the judge for this verification, families may redact information unrelated to custody if desired.
Please note: You are welcomed to redact any information that doesn't pertain to parental
8: You can accept or decline the ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES then click on ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS. Some of the ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS are general to FHS/NIAA, some are from FHS and some are direct from the sport you are signing up for. Parents & athletes must read and e- sign all acknowledging their understanding and agreement to abide by them.
9: The NIAA PHYSICAL FORMS must be downloaded and printed by clicking the DOWNLOAD button. The packet will be completed by the student and parent before going to see the doctor. The doctor will sign off on all forms, double-check all forms for completion, make sure all questions are answered and forms are signed by the parent and athlete. After they are complete, ONLY submit the last page of the packet (Medical Eligibility Form).
10: The AUTHORIZATION AND RELEASE form must be printed and signed. You can email the form to the FHS Athletic office at [email protected] This form will be kept on file for the entire school year. The final step is to pay the administrative fee to our school via RegisterMyAthlete (These are not part of the individual team fees or the additional charter/homeschool fees)
ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY: All student-athletes must be enrolled in a minimum of 2-semester credits (4 classes) and have an unweighted GPA of 2.0 or better in the semester prior to trying out for a sport. All incoming 9th graders are eligible in the 1st semester of their freshman year, middle school grades do not factor into high school eligibility. All incoming freshmen are considered transfers. Once an athlete makes a team, grade checks occur every 3 weeks during their season. Specific questions can be directed to the FHS Athletic Office.
ATHLETES ON COSA or Shared Housing: Students attending Foothill HS on a Signature or Zone Variance are considered “sub-varsity” for their first year ONLY. This means they can only be on the Freshman or JV team of a sport. Per NIAA regulations, seniors (12th grade) cannot be sub-varsity.
For Clark County Only: Some sports are considered Varsity only and sub-varsity athletes cannot compete in these sports their first year (cross country, golf, swimming & diving, tennis, track & field).
UNIQUE/ SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: If the living situation of the student-athlete/ family is unique, please contact the FHS Athletic Director at 702-799-3500 x 4120
All athletes must get a sports physical on the approved NIAA forms downloaded from Register My Athlete account or under "Forms".
8: You can accept or decline the ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES then click on ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS. Some of the ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS are general to FHS/NIAA, some are from FHS and some are direct from the sport you are signing up for. Parents & athletes must read and e- sign all acknowledging their understanding and agreement to abide by them.
9: The NIAA PHYSICAL FORMS must be downloaded and printed by clicking the DOWNLOAD button. The packet will be completed by the student and parent before going to see the doctor. The doctor will sign off on all forms, double-check all forms for completion, make sure all questions are answered and forms are signed by the parent and athlete. After they are complete, ONLY submit the last page of the packet (Medical Eligibility Form).
10: The AUTHORIZATION AND RELEASE form must be printed and signed. You can email the form to the FHS Athletic office at [email protected] This form will be kept on file for the entire school year. The final step is to pay the administrative fee to our school via RegisterMyAthlete (These are not part of the individual team fees or the additional charter/homeschool fees)
ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY: All student-athletes must be enrolled in a minimum of 2-semester credits (4 classes) and have an unweighted GPA of 2.0 or better in the semester prior to trying out for a sport. All incoming 9th graders are eligible in the 1st semester of their freshman year, middle school grades do not factor into high school eligibility. All incoming freshmen are considered transfers. Once an athlete makes a team, grade checks occur every 3 weeks during their season. Specific questions can be directed to the FHS Athletic Office.
ATHLETES ON COSA or Shared Housing: Students attending Foothill HS on a Signature or Zone Variance are considered “sub-varsity” for their first year ONLY. This means they can only be on the Freshman or JV team of a sport. Per NIAA regulations, seniors (12th grade) cannot be sub-varsity.
For Clark County Only: Some sports are considered Varsity only and sub-varsity athletes cannot compete in these sports their first year (cross country, golf, swimming & diving, tennis, track & field).
UNIQUE/ SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: If the living situation of the student-athlete/ family is unique, please contact the FHS Athletic Director at 702-799-3500 x 4120
All athletes must get a sports physical on the approved NIAA forms downloaded from Register My Athlete account or under "Forms".